Are you waiting for a job interview? Avoid these mistakes!

Who doesn't want to make a great impression at a job interview? Especially when you are genuinely interested in the offer and the position. Otherwise, we don't even recommend going for the interview because HR personnel can immediately sense your disinterest, and it would be a waste of both your time and theirs. If you truly want the job, we suggest adding authenticity and enthusiasm while avoiding common mistakes that job applicants often make.

First impression

As they say, you only have one chance to make a good impression, and you can't redo it. The biggest mistake you can make at the beginning is arriving late. Even if you arrive on time, inappropriate clothing can spoil the impression. We recommend opting for a more formal outfit. Of course, this also depends on the position you are applying for. Before the interview starts, ensure that your mobile phone's ringtone is turned off to avoid any interruptions. We advise leaving any negative mood at the door because a negative start can affect the entire interview. It is considered rude to chew gum during the interview, so please keep that in mind.


Recruiters often ask candidates what they know about their company before providing a description of the company and the position. Being unprepared and responding with "nothing" will not earn you any points. On the contrary, having as much information as possible about the company in advance can impress the interviewers. We recommend reviewing the job advertisement again and preparing questions about the position. The worst mistake at this stage is not remembering the position you applied for. Try to avoid this faux pas.

The course of the interview itself

Talking too much or too little during the interview are common mistakes. Dominating the conversation can be off-putting, while remaining too silent can give the impression that you lack interest. It is important to strike a balance. It can also happen that you stop paying attention to what your potential boss is saying, leading to redundant questions that were already addressed during the interview, which clearly demonstrates your inattention. What is absolutely unacceptable is lying or exaggerating. Sooner or later, it will become evident that you embellished your interview experience or, at worst, fabricated it. Bragging about having been everywhere and having extensive experience as an absolute multi-specialist can also have a negative effect.

Speaking ill of your previous employer

It is natural to explain why you left your previous job and mention negative aspects. However, speaking poorly about your former boss, colleagues, or divulging sensitive information about your previous company is unprofessional. Your potential employer may not be interested in such behavior.

Promising to work for free vs. refusing to do anything

Some applicants make the mistake of giving the impression that they are willing to work for free and be available 24/7. Others convey the opposite extreme, stating that they won't do anything for free and limit their working hours to 8 per day. Neither of these extremes seems credible; the ideal approach lies in finding a balanced middle ground.

I don't have any more questions

If, at the end of the interview, you appear to have no further questions, it may be perceived by HR professionals as a lack of interest in the position. We recommend preparing two or three questions before the interview in case you struggle to come up with any due to interview stress. Feel free to have a notebook and pen with you to jot down questions as they come up during the interview.

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